Ethics Statement


This site is a personal website/blog written and edited by me (Thomas Falkowski). Every post and page is my own creation, unless we have stated otherwise. The views and opinions expressed within are my own and no one pays me to do reviews or changes my opinion based on any kind of payment or compensation. I only review gear and software that I actually use.

The site has a number of different partnerships, including advertising, affiliate marketing, etc. For example, on the “My Gear” page, there are some Amazon links. Should you click through and purchase an item, I receive a small percentage of the sale, but it does not cost you anything extra. I am occasionally able to offer coupon codes for software or other digital items. I would not do this if I did not believe in and personally use the product.

Sony, DJI, GoPro, Adobe, Skylum, and Apple are great companies with awesome products that I love and use regularly. I may recommend their cameras, software, and computers in various places on this site even though they haven’t paid me one cent. I will always give you my honest opinion and judgment on these things. If you were to bump in to me on the street, you would see me using the same gear I recommend on this site. I believe it is extremely important to be open and transparent on these matters.